
About the Vocational Institute of the Americas

Vocational Institute of the Americas

Dear Friends,

The students of Christ for the Poor Instituto Vocacional De Las Americas are enthused to learn and take advantage of their vocation training. This training has already begun in September. Here we have enthusiastic teachers and administrators, great class rooms and plenty of spirit to learn. Unfortunately, our dream of providing vocational training has certain financial limitations. The start up cost of purchasing tools, rental space and other necessary items have placed a strain upon the Christ for the Poor foundation.

We currently have all the items we need. We have made certain sacrifices in order to provide our future students with a great vocational skill set, but we need your help to finance the remaining overheads.

If we could get donations of $25 a month per student, we would then apply all donations directly to our pupil’s betterment.

There are several ways that your can make a direct difference. First and foremost we need to continue the education to our eager candidates.  All students are currently enrolled in a four month electrical vocational training course. The course also includes other humanity and spiritual classes to give the students a perspective that they sorely miss and require. Please consider sponsoring a young pupil for the duration of the program. Sponsorship has extremely beneficial rewards. All sponsors will receive a photograph of their student along with a monthly report of the progress the pupil is making. Additionally the student will also record a personal message to the sponsor and will be sent via the internet. They will also be a graduation video for each donor in question.

However there are several levels to this giving opportunity.

$100 will provide one student with everything they need. This tax deductible donation is just $25 per month. We have 27 students, can you help just one?

Christ for the Poor Instituto Vocacional Del Las Americas provides vocational training for students with limited financial means. These young men and women are motivated to learn and succeed in life with their new skill sets. Your financial gifts will have an enormous impact on the school and the minds of these young adults. Thank you for partnering with our students and Best Wishes!


Alejandro Torres

President of Christ for the Poor

Vocational Institute of the Americas is a project that works through the Organization Christ for the Poor, with offices in Puerto Rico and Miami, FL. The Institute is focused to the training of young adolescents (men and women) of La Chureca and nearby  neighborhoods

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